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How Parental Shame Impact Child Sexual Development

  • 4 Steps


In this 3hr CE seminar, Dr. Tina Schermer Sellers, reviews each developmental age and stage sharing the emotional and behavioral tasks children tend to try and accomplish, as well as the sexual curiosities most commonly expressed. She shares the shame these sexual curiosities often trigger in parents/caregivers who did not receive adequate sexual health information as children and/or who grew up in conservative or sexually shaming environments. She provides clues on how parents can reduce shame as well as sharing some of the leading resources for parents and kids at each age and phase. Toward the end of the seminar, Dr. Sellers, talks about resources specifically designed for professionals - medical, psychosocial, educational, coaching, clergy, etc. that can be used when working with parents. Dr. Tina Schermer Sellers is a nationally known speaker, author and researcher on religious sexual shame. In her acclaimed 2017 book, Sex, God and the Conservative Church – Erasing Shame from Sexual Intimacy, Dr. Sellers reveals how the western conservative church in collusion with consumer driven culture and politics, has infiltrated our core ability to attach to our partners, and instruct our children to attach to theirs. Her latest book, Shameless Parenting – Everything You Need to Raise Shame-free, Confident, Kids and Heal Your Shame Too! was a New Release Bestseller in eight categories. She can also be followed on Instagram @DrTinaShameless @NWInstituteOnIntimacy

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